Not for the faint of heart, or those who are easily offended/grossed out. Let that be a warning to you...
I was rooting through old boxes in my garage – a lot of paperwork
and junk that for some reason seems really important at the time you
put it in the box, and then two years, five years, ten years later is
just a great example of how self-important and untalented you are.
Most of the “paperwork” I found was from around 8th
grade and early high school – I put “paperwork” in quotations
there because not even someone as pathetically self consumed as
myself can justify calling regurgitated Limp Bizkit lyrics and hand
written transcripts of Adam Sandler audio sketches “paperwork”
without putting quotes around it. This is actually how I spent my
time as a thirteen year old girl... getting high and writing out all
the words to the shitty things that I thought were funny or bad ass.
Aside from the drivel – there were some pretty funny little gems
hiding in that box.
This piece is called Cootie Catcher – which is what I grew up
calling those little origami fortune tellers
that we all played with in grade school. Also known as Chatterbox, Salt Cellar, or Whirlybirds... to wrong people. I found a Cootie Catcher
that I made in either 7th or 8th grade –
can't be sure – but it contains some of the best and funniest
little tidbits to ever come out of my face. I am sincerely proud of
how retarded I was (and continue to be).
Before I share with you all the awesome fortunes I came up with –
I should first explain that I was originally raised in Sacramento,
which by all accounts is a fairly large and diverse city. My parents
moved me to what was then a very small, very stinky, agriculture
(meth) town of Manteca, which is Spanish for lard. Not a joke, look it up.
I was immediately the focal point of small town ostracizing as the
only person to ever listen to rock and roll music in all recorded
history of the entire county and surrounding areas. This is a gross exaggeration. It's gross. Ew.
My first defense to this abuse was my extensive arsenal of verbal
insults. I would come home from a particularly teen-angst inducing
day at school and take pen to paper to bolster my artillery. I'd
write paragraph-long insults that I would memorize and then blurt out
at just the right moment in a confrontation that probably started
with someone asking me if I was a boy or a girl – or telling me I
dressed like a dyke – or asking me if I thought I was cool because
I wore a wallet chain. Yes, I did. I thought I was very, very cool actually.
Small town kids understandably have a hard time coping with a big
city kid making them feel stupid, and there is nothing that makes a
kid feel more stupid than being caught with no come-back in a verbal
throw down. My experience is that when you leave a mean kid
speechless, all they have left is physical violence.
So, while this Cootie Catcher that I found was most assuredly
created and used solely for the purpose of making the few friends I
did have laugh – It definitely brought back some great, and
painful, memories of just what kind of kid I was.
Okay – so if you've never used one of these Cootie Catchers...
Origami Fortune Tellers... it starts with four choices on the outside
of the doo-hickey. The player chooses one of the four quadrants, and
the operator then spells out or counts out the choice by opening the
paper doo-hickey as many times as the choice calls for. Seriously, if
you're not following by now – just YouTube this shit and figure it
The four choices on the outside of my Cootie Catcher are:
1: Man
2: Weed
3: Poopy
4: Shut Up
I'm not even sure how to start analyzing that. Man, Weed, Poopy, and
Shut Up.

'Weed' was an obvious choice, and would probably make an
appearance as a choice on the outside of a Cootie Catcher if I made
one right now. 'Poopy' – see reasoning for Weed. And 'Shut Up'...
well, just Shut up and read the rest of the story.
Once you make your first choice – the second and third choices are
just numbers. I didn't get very creative on that part. But in my
defense... the entire Cootie Catcher is colored in with water color
paints and is actually quite artistic... so, I guess I exhausted my
creativity there? No... the creative part is within... just like your
new-age high school art teacher always told the kids that were
failing Introduction to Basic Art.
The insides of a Cootie Catcher
contain eight different endings to this choose-your-own-adventure
style game. This is the part where I admit that Cootie Catcher as a name makes much less sense than Fortune Teller.... but Chatterbox? Salt Cellar? Whirlybird? What the fuck? C'mon.
Usually they contain a mix-up of positive and negative endings, falling
somewhere in between “you will marry your biggest crush!” and
“your momma's so fat...”
So, those are examples of what
usually goes on the
inside of a Cootie Catcher...
Here are the eight “Fortunes” one could be Fortunate enough to
hear when they complete my Cootie Catcher game:
1: May the lice of a thousand camels infest your pubic hair for 40
days and 41 nights
2: Fuck You! You are a horrible festering scab on the nut sack of
society and when you are finally picked... you will puss and bleed
3: You smell like poop. It's almost as if you have been confined to
a tiny room your entire life and must shit where you sleep and you
just learned how to do a somersault! Stinky!
4: Wouldn't it be weird and gross if someone used poop to slick
their eyebrows down and make them darker? … well... You do that!
5: I know where you live and at night while you are sleeping I sneak
into your room and wipe boogers on you!
6: Someday you will be walking down the street and a big scary
person will run up to you and hit you in the mouth. Then when you're
on the ground they will take off your shoes and poop in them... just
because you're ugly.
7. Your mom is a whore. She sleeps with a lot of people. A walking
STD that woman.
8. Your nipples will get a violently itchy rash. They will burn with
redness and you will scratch them til they bleed and you won't have
nipples anymore... just little scabs. You're gross!
These were written by a 13 year old girl. I am already so out of
touch with my once self that I am (pleasantly) shocked and
(delightfully) appalled at the language used by such young people. I
have nieces older than that – and do you know how hard I would laugh
to hear them say some of this shit? I like to tell myself that I
never once threw the first punch in the many school yard brawls and
Wal-Mart parking lot beat-downs that I was involved in – however, I
do think my mouth may have signed me up as a participant.
I'm really glad I was cleaning out that box of bullshit adolescent
“paperwork” and found this little Cootie Catcher gem.
It's ironic
that the contents of the box have actually evolved into a way more
legitimate form of paperwork by being typed up by some asshole with
writing aspirations (me). See? I didn't even have to put quotations around
it that time.
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